BDF S.A.R.L is a Guinean company created in 2012 and specialized in business development and project financing in Africa.



It has created different services and branches to meet its various activities including:

  • Renewable energy
  • Infrastructure
  • Agro-industry
  • Transport and logistics
  • Trade and commerce

All this is accompanied by a financial and investment service

Our aim is to promote projects in Africa, a land of growth, in the sectors targeted as means of economic and industrial development of the continent.



  • Without electrical energy there is no service.
  • Without infrastructure, action becomes inert.
  • Without agro-industrial activity, human resources become inoperative.

The economic and industrial actor that is the company and its services is a vehicle and a platform for the realisation of projects on the African continent and for the benefit of its population.



Drawn from the African diaspora but also from professionals who believe in the future of the continent, BDF and its divisions form a diverse group both in the activities and services offered and in the composition of its human resources and partnerships.

From the local engineering firm to the international company, from the sub-regional commercial bank to the international financial conglomerate, the BDF group aims to bring together forces to enable the realisation of projects that it initiates or that are entrusted to it in terms of consultancy, fund raising, execution and operation, as well as structuring for the "bankability" of the subject matter.



Pragmatism is at the heart of our actions, and execution is the driving force behind our activities.

Present in Europe, North America and Asia through our activities and collaborations, the BDF Group sees itself as an economic and industrial player with a continental dimension and an international vision.

Without technical and financial partners and without human resources, a project remains just an idea, but without an initiator, no support is useful. BDF is the typical company of the 21st century, a 2.0 company that strengthens its base in Africa while using the possibilities offered by the interconnection of ideas and people on all continents.



Come and discover who we are and contact us so that together we can meet your needs while accompanying us in the success of ours.



The BDF team.